IT GETS DARK EVERY NIGHT. Highlighting lighting designer Janet Moyer

Janet Moyer, award-winning landscape lighting designer/installer and author. Janet has been a worldwide leader in the lighting field since she began in the late 70’s as an illuminating engineer. In the 80’s she started her own company specialized in landscape lighting. She raised the bar for this industry by developing a sophisticated art form using art and science into her lighting designs and projects. These revolutionary techniques brought a new dimension to the lighting field, bringing landscapes and gardens to life at night. Janet currently runs and continues lighting education seminars.

“It gets dark every night. Landscape lighting offers us the ability to enjoy our landscape and to feel safe and comfortable in our landscape.”

Janet Moyer- Author, award-winning lighting designer, founder of the International Landscape Lighting Institute, owner of jbluminae.

Bolt Outdoor Lighting Pros is excited to be a participant in her lighting design course and will continue to honor the landscape lighting craft with elevated design and installation techniques to brighten our client’s gardens.

If you live near the Raleigh NC area to the East Coast beaches and would like a consultation- please reach out to us