LED Lighting Conversions
Looking for LED Lighting Conversions Near Raleigh, NC?
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From Halogen to LED
Outdoor landscape lighting technology has changed a lot over the past few years. Halogen and incandescent are dinosaurs. Today, LED landscape lighting technology matches the same warm white look of the old school bulbs, coupled with energy savings and bulb longevity. LED is now the preferred choice, offering the following benefits:
High Efficiency: Up to about 75% less energy. Switching from halogen to LED will conserve energy while providing excellent illumination.
Safety: LED bulbs provide clean bright light with an elegant warm white cast and do not get hot like halogen. Safe around wood, mulch, etc.
Longer Bulb Life: Most LED bulbs have 40-50,000 hours life at full capacity, 10 times that of old halogen bulbs.
Savings: Over time, the energy savings will pay for the upfront investment.
Making it Easy to Covert
Switching from a halogen to LED landscape lighting system can be relatively simple based on the age of your present fixtures. Some fixtures can be easily retrofitted to hold an LED bulb, while older fixtures will need to be upgraded to ensure it is watertight to prevent any potential problems. When you schedule a free LED conversion assessment with Bolt Outdoor Lighting, our designers will assess your current lighting system and work with you to develop a plan for converting. LED conversions can be done all at once or in phases and you will notice significant adjustments in operational costs and light quality once completed.